Results for 'Francisco Rihelder Batista Bezerra'

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  1.  43
    Percepção da Imagem Corporal e Comportamento Alimentar: Estudo Com Acadêmicos de Centro Universitário.Mateus Barros de Carvalho, Paula Maria da Silva, Luiza Marly Freitas de Carvalho, Antonio Marcos Vaz de Lima & Keila Cristiane Batista Bezerra Lopes - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):29-50.
    The concept of corporal image includes how own body, taking into account their constituent parts, as well as the feelings related the those characteristics. The entrance in academica life provokes alterations in the feeding behavior, and the exposition to the new social environment they can bring as consequence an increase in dissatisfaction. Objective: To investigate the satisfaction with the body image and eating behavior of academics at a university center. Methods: For data collection, the following instruments were used. The evaluation (...)
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    As canções populares e o sentimento de missão educadora dos intelectuais rom'nticos: o exemplo do poeta Juvenal Galeno no contexto do romantismo brasileiro. [REVIEW]Joao Batista Andrade Filho & Francisco Ari Andrade - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019038.
    A partir do século XVIII, na Europa, muitos intelectuais europeus passaram a alimentar o gosto e o interesse pelas questões populares. O filósofo alemão Johann Gottfried Herder é considerado um dos expontes que influenciaram muitos intelectuais, cujas ideias alimentaram o movimento romântico. Contrariando a mentalidade racionalizante iluminista, tais ideias conduziram os adeptos dessa tendência a voltarem-se aos estudos da tradição campesina, buscando, no povo e no seu passado glorioso, o elemento constituidor da nacionalidade, particularmente na canção e na poesia populares. (...)
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 8.Amauri Carlos Ferreira, Antônio Francisco da Silva, Ivonei Antônio de Oliveira, João Batista Libanio, Lindomar Rocha Mota & Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):153-171.
    SENA, Luzia (Org.). Ensino religioso e formação docente . (Religious teaching and teacher qualification) Amauri Carlos Ferreira SANGENIS, Luiz Fernando Conde. Gênese do pensamento único em educação: franciscanismo e jesuitismo na história da educação brasileira. (Genesis of an only thought in education: franciscanism and Jesuitism in the history of Brazilian education) Antônio Francisco da Silva TREVISAN, A. Santo Tomás de Aquino – O Credo: tradução, prefácio, introdução e notas. (Saint Thomas of Aquinas – The Creed: translation, preface, introduction and (...)
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    TABORDA, Francisco. A Igreja e seus ministérios. Uma teologia do ministério ordenado.João Batista Libanio - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):304-311.
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    O culturalismo sociológico de Alcides Bezerra.Francisco Martins de Souza - 1981 - São Paulo: Editora Convívio.
  6. The specious present: A neurophenomenology of time consciousness.Francisco Varela - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 266--314.
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    Studies in the Philosophy of Biology: Reduction and Related Problems : [papers Presented at a Conference on Problems of Reduction in Biology Held in Villa Serbe, Bellagio, Italy 9-16 September 1972.Francisco Jose Ayala & Theodosius Dobzhansky (eds.) - 1974 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    Should the philosophy of biology deal with organismic, or with molecular aspects , or with both ? We are, of course, not the first to appreciate the ...
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    Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology.Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This collection of specially commissioned essays puts top scholars head to head to debate the central issues in the lively and fast growing field of philosophy ...
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    Why a Virtual Assistant for Moral Enhancement When We Could have a Socrates?Francisco Lara - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-27.
    Can Artificial Intelligence be more effective than human instruction for the moral enhancement of people? The author argues that it only would be if the use of this technology were aimed at increasing the individual's capacity to reflectively decide for themselves, rather than at directly influencing behaviour. To support this, it is shown how a disregard for personal autonomy, in particular, invalidates the main proposals for applying new technologies, both biomedical and AI-based, to moral enhancement. As an alternative to these (...)
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  10. Phenomenology In Consciousness Research.Francisco Varela - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (4):330-349.
  11. Present-time consciousness.Francisco J. Varela - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):111-140.
    My purpose in this article is to propose an explicitly naturalized account of the experience of present nowness on the basis of two complementary sources: phenomenological analysis and cognitive neuroscience. What I mean by naturalization, and the role cognitive neuroscience plays will become clear as the paper unfolds, but the main intention is to use the consciousness of present time as a study case for the phenomenological framework presented by Depraz in this Special Issue.
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  12. Oxytocin, Empathy and Human Enhancement.Francisco Lara - 2017 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 32 (3):367.
    This paper considers, firstly, to what extent the administration of oxytocin can augment the capacity of empathy in human beings; and secondly, whether or not such practice ought to be allowed. In relation to the latter, the author develops an argument in favour of this intervention by virtue of its consistency with the belief that, if a therapeutic treatment is to be considered acceptable, it is essential that it maximizes the well-being of those affected and that it does not compromise (...)
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  13. The biological roots of morality.Francisco J. Ayala - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (3):235-252.
    The question whether ethical behavior is biologically determined may refer either to thecapacity for ethics (e.i., the proclivity to judge human actions as either right or wrong), or to the moralnorms accepted by human beings for guiding their actions. My theses are: (1) that the capacity for ethics is a necessary attribute of human nature; and (2) that moral norms are products of cultural evolution, not of biological evolution.Humans exhibits ethical behavior by nature because their biological makeup determines the presence (...)
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  14.  59
    Socratic nudges, virtual moral assistants and the problem of autonomy.Francisco Lara & Blanca Rodríguez-López - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Many of our daily activities are now made more convenient and efficient by virtual assistants, and the day when they can be designed to instruct us in certain skills, such as those needed to make moral judgements, is not far off. In this paper we ask to what extent it would be ethically acceptable for these so-called virtual assistants for moral enhancement to use subtle strategies, known as “nudges”, to influence our decisions. To achieve our goal, we will first characterise (...)
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    Breathing for answering: the time course of response planning in conversation.Francisco Torreira, Sara Bögels & Stephen C. Levinson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127426.
    We investigate the timing of pre-answer inbreaths in order to shed light on the time course of response planning and execution in conversational turn-taking. Using acoustic and inductive plethysmography recordings of seven dyadic conversations in Dutch, we show that pre-answer inbreaths in conversation typically begin briefly after the end of questions. We also show that the presence of a pre-answer inbreath usually co-occurs with substantially delayed answers, with a modal latency of 576 vs. 100 ms for answers not preceded by (...)
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  16.  43
    The causal axioms of algebraic quantum field theory: A diagnostic.Francisco Calderón - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):98-108.
    Algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) puts forward three ``causal axioms'' that aim to characterize the theory as one that implements relativistic causation: the spectrum condition, microcausality, and primitive causality. In this paper, I aim to show, in a minimally technical way, that none of them fully explains the notion of causation appropriate for AQFT because they only capture some of the desiderata for relativistic causation I state or because it is often unclear how each axiom implements its respective desideratum. After (...)
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  17.  19
    Concussion and brain injuries in sport: conceptual, ethical and legal perspectives.Francisco Javier López Frías & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):259-266.
    This special issue examines critical ethical, legal, and policy debates surrounding brain trauma in sport, focusing on challenges in concussion management practices and protocols. Brain injury concerns extend beyond traditional contact sports like boxing, encompassing sporting activities involving rapid acceleration, deceleration, and surface impacts, such as cycling and equestrian sports. Among such problems are the identification and management of brain injuries, the roles of officials and healthcare professionals, and the broader implications for sport integrity and athlete careers. The special issue (...)
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  18.  31
    19. The Concept of Biological Progress.Francisco J. Ayala - 1974 - In Francisco Jose Ayala & Theodosius Dobzhansky (eds.), Studies in the philosophy of biology: reduction and related problems. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 339.
  19.  19
    A Critique of Proportionality.Francisco Urbina - 2012 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 57 (1):49-80.
  20. Nonpropositional Knowledge in Plato.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1998 - Apeiron 31 (3):235-284.
  21.  36
    Understanding Natural Cognition in Everyday Settings: 3 Pressing Challenges.Francisco J. Parada - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22.  59
    There is no place for intelligent design in the philosophy of biology : intelligent design is not science.Francisco J. Ayala - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 364--390.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: The Design Argument The Design Argument in Antiquity Christian Authors Hume's Onslaught William Paley's Natural Theology The Bridgewater Treatises Intelligent Design: A Political Movement Eyes to See No “There” There Blood and Tears Gambling to Non‐existence Natural Selection Natural Selection and Design Postscript: Counterpoint Notes References.
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    Signals Crossed.Dana Francisco Miranda - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (3):59-65.
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    La inversión del platonismo en Gilles Deleuze, herencia renovada de Nietzsche.Francisco Javier Alcalá Rodríguez - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):135-149.
    This article tries to elucidate the Deleuzian project of the reversal of Platonism in relation to that of Nietzsche. To this aim, I have made a predominantly historiographic sketch of the question in both authors. In the case of Nietzsche, I inquired about both the relationship that the reversal of Platonism presents in his philosophy with the problem of nihilism and the evolution that the topic undergoes throughout his vast intellectual production, until it reaches its final formulation. With regard to (...)
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  25.  71
    Civil Engineering at the Crossroads in the Twenty-First Century.Francisco Ramírez & Andres Seco - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):681-687.
    The twenty-first century presents a major challenge for civil engineering. The magnitude and future importance of some of the problems perceived by society are directly related to the field of the civil engineer, implying an inescapable burden of responsibility for a group whose technical soundness, rational approach and efficiency is highly valued and respected by the citizen. However, the substantial changes in society and in the way it perceives the problems that it considers important call for a thorough review of (...)
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    Connectionist Semantics and the Collateral Information Challenge.Francisco Calvo Garzóan - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (1):77-94.
    Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore have launched a powerful attack against Paul Churchland's connectionist theory of semantics—aka State Space Semantics. In one part of their overall attack, they exploit the potentially orthogonal histories of different individuals to introduce what they labeled ‘the collateral information problem’. Aarre Laakso and Gary Cottrell have recently put forward a mathematical technique for measuring conceptual similarity across neural networks. Churchland uses Laakso and Cottrell's tecnique to defend State Space Semantics. In this paper I shall highlight (...)
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  27.  27
    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes.Francisco Yus - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (1):131-157.
    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes Relevance Theory pictures communication as an inferential activity that adjusts, in parallel, the explicit content of utterances, the implicated premises and conclusions that can be derived, and the right amount of contextual information needed to obtain them. When applied to jokes, a relevance-theoretic classification may be proposed depending on whether the humorist plays with the audience's inferential activity aimed at an explicit interpretation, with the audience's inference devoted to deriving implications or with their access to (...)
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  28. Filósofos y Problemas.Francisco Romero - 1947 - Editorial Losada.
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  29. On the Way to Sophia: Heidegger on Plato's Dialectic, Ethics, and Sophist.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1997 - Research in Phenomenology 27 (1):16-60.
  30. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory: on Stephen Jay Gould's Monumental Masterpiece.Francisco J. Ayala - unknown
    Stephen Jay Gould’s monumental The Structure of Evolutionary Theory ‘‘attempts to expand and alter the premises of Darwinism, in order to build an enlarged and distinctive evolutionary theory . . . while remaining within the tradition, and under the logic, of Darwinian argument.’’ The three branches or ‘‘fundamental principles of Darwinian logic’’ are, according to Gould: agency (natural selection acting on individual organisms), efficacy (producing new species adapted to their environments), and scope (accumulation of changes that through geological time yield (...)
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    Electrodynamics and Spacetime Geometry: Foundations.Francisco Cabral & Francisco S. N. Lobo - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (2):208-228.
    We explore the intimate connection between spacetime geometry and electrodynamics. This link is already implicit in the constitutive relations between the field strengths and excitations, which are an essential part of the axiomatic structure of electromagnetism, clearly formulated via integration theory and differential forms. We review the foundations of classical electromagnetism based on charge and magnetic flux conservation, the Lorentz force and the constitutive relations. These relations introduce the conformal part of the metric and allow the study of electrodynamics for (...)
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  32. El mito en Platón. Algunas reflexiones sobre un tema recurrente.Francisco Lisi - 2009 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 21 (1):35-50.
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    Importancia Radical de la Genialidad Artística Para El Ser Humano.Francisco Martínez Granados - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 120:195-214.
    El fracaso político de la Revolución francesa deja un regusto amargo de que el problema del ser humano se encuentra en la Modernidad y, concretamente, en la escisión radical que abre la conciencia. Los ideales del Bien y la Verdad son señaladas como formas muertas, carentes de potencia erótica, inservibles para movilizar al ser y, por tanto, anacrónicos para una época que quiere despertar bajo el signo de la Belleza. Un joven Schelling escribe bajo este sol naciente una obra en (...)
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    Political Metaphor Analysis. [REVIEW]Francisco Ocampo - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (2):335-340.
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  35. Can We Turn a Blind Eye to Eliminativism?Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (4):485-498.
    In this paper I shall reply to two arguments that Stephen Stich (1990; 1991; 1996) has recently put forward against the thesis of eliminative materialism. In a nutshell, Stich argues that (i) the thesis of eliminative materialism, according to which propositional attitudes don't exist, is neither true nor false, and that (ii) even if it were true, that would be philosophically uninteresting. To support (i) and (ii) Stich relies on two premises: (a) that the job of a theory of reference (...)
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  36.  20
    Molecular clock mirages.Francisco J. Ayala - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (1):71-75.
  37.  37
    Who Is Plato’s Callicles and What Does He Teach?Francisco Bravo - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 317-334.
  38. La odisea de dos filosofos contemporaneos.Francisco Romero - 1951 - Ideas Y Valores 1 (1):37.
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    La Lengua de Sócrates y Su Filosofía.Francisco Rodríguez Adrados - 1992 - Méthexis 5 (2):29-52.
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    Sobre la subjetivación. La crítica de Marx a Stirner.Francisco José Martínez Martínez - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:77-94.
    El presente escrito explora algunas ideas marxianas sobre la subjetivación a partir de sus críticas a la filosofía hegeliana y posthegeliana, de Feuerbach y Stirner fundamentalmente, y presenta su humanismo materialista y crítico como un nuevo modo de subjetivación que se sitúa en la estela del materialismo sensualista ilustrado, retomado por Feuerbach, que combina con la idea del hombre trabajador, el homo faber, utilizador de instrumentos, de la tradición de la economía política inglesa, al que dotan de la capacidad revolucionaria (...)
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    Natalia Jakubecki, María Cecilia Rusconi y Natalia Strok (eds.), Platón cosmólogo: Recepción del Timeo entre la Edad Media y la Temprana Modernidad (Buenos Aires, 2022).Francisco Iversen - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (2):146-148.
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    Los religiosos y los pobres en Andalucía.Francisco Martín Rodríguez - 2024 - Isidorianum 4 (8):119-154.
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  43.  21
    Filosofia e Educação Ambiental Aula de Campo e as Possibilidades e Reflexões.Francisco José Assunção da Silva & Matheus Lima Lopes - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):92-103.
    O presente trabalho vem apresentar o relato de experiência docente da atividade de aula de campo no Parque Botânico do Ceará e sua relação com a disciplina de filosofia e suas possibilidades. Por entender que a educação não se limita ao espaço físico da escola, a aula de campo se manifesta como uma prática de ensino e uma construção de novas vivências e processos de ensino e aprendizagem. A atividade desenvolvida foi fruto do processo de formação e supervisão de estágio (...)
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  44.  17
    Veturia en el Perigynaecon: la defensa de la patria como valor femenino en Mario Equicola.Francisco José Rodríguez Mesa - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:57-65.
    En 1501, Mario Equicola concluye el _Perigynaecon_, la única obra filógina que el humanista de Alvito compondría en toda su vida. Este tratado se idea con una clara finalidad instrumental, pues el autor deseaba entrar al servicio de Isabella d’Este, marquesa consorte de Mantua. Precisamente por ello, tras cada uno de los argumentos que Equicola presenta y detrás de cada una de las mujeres ejemplares que menciona para ensalzar el valor femenino a lo largo de la historia se pueden establecer (...)
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    Habit acquisition in the context of neuronal genomic and epigenomic mosaicism.Francisco J. Novo - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  46.  12
    Libertad material republicana y libertad liberal.Francisco Baez Urbina - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:08-20.
    El presente documento se estructura a partir de dos ideas fuerza y una propuesta. Por un lado, que el modelo chileno se conforma a partir de una versión específica del concepto de libertad, esto es, de una versión específicamente liberal y conservadora de este; y por otro, que en la teoría política podemos encontrar una amplia gama de acepciones distintas sobre el concepto de libertad, lo que dice relación con el pluralismo conceptual, semántico y doctrinario propio de la filosofía política (...)
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    Heidegger and Gadamer on Hegel’s Greek Conception of Being and Time in an Unpublished 1925/26 Seminar.Francisco Gonzalez - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (4):735-758.
    In the Winter semester of 1925/26 Heidegger gave what appears to have been his first seminar on Hegel. Still unpublished in any form, this neglected seminar is of extraordinary importance, and not only for the in-depth and critical reading it pursues of Hegel’s Logic I, a critique that charges Hegel with not knowing how or where to begin. The seminar is also important for its attempt to demonstrate that Hegel’s philosophy was thoroughly Greek. In the class of 25 November 1925, (...)
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    Implicações Das Crises Do Capital Nas Reformas Educacionais.Francisco Joatan Freitas Santos Junior & Ricardo George de Araújo Silva - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 25 (25):267-295.
    O artigo trata das reformas educacionais apresentadas pelos organismos internacionais às nações periféricas, na perspectiva de um diálogo histórico-filosófico sobre as crises da educação nesse período de globalização. Privilegia o estudo teórico-bibliográfico de caráter analítico-exploratório, orientando-se pelo horizonte metodológico do materialismo histórico-dialético. Tem por objetivo compreender as implicações das crises do capital nas reformas educacionais dos países periféricos. No campo da educação, conclui-se que essas reformas estão em sintonia com as medidas neoliberais que visam fomentar uma mão-de-obra flexível e precarizada (...)
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    Vulnerabilities in Kantian Constructivism: Why they Matter for Objective Normativity.Francisco Lisboa & Susana Cadilha - 2022 - Kant Yearbook 14 (1):1-21.
    In section 1 we present moral constructivism as a metaphysical project which grounds moral norms in the attitude of valuing by rational agents. In section 2 we establish that Kantian Constructivism – opposed to Humean Constructivism – seeks objective and universal moral norms through a process of rational construction and ratification of norms that does not draw on any kind of subjective attitude of valuing. In section 3 we explore whether Kant is a moral constructivist or moral realist, arguing that (...)
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    Mujeres, igualdad y educación.Francisco Javier Jiménez Ríos, Nazaret Martínez-Heredia, Ana Amaro Agudo & Gracia González-Gijón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-11.
    En los relatos de María, la madre de Jesús, encontramos un modelo de la realidad personal humana en el dinamismo de su realización como un continuo estar-dando-de-sí que muestra su desbordamiento como realidad educanda, realidad abierta. En otros relatos se muestra a mujeres como testigos del encuentro con Jesús después de su muerte, un testimonio que es recibido por el grupo de Jesús y corroborado por los varones de la comunidad para hacerlo llegar más allá de sus fronteras. En el (...)
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